Tuesday, 12 February 2013

I am 20yr old,enthusiastic 1st year Arts student...super inquisitive,with a continual budding curiousity as to how everything  fits together.What relationships we share with our surroundings..having chosen ESS as a subject im hoping to have found that very vital key into unlocking issues that are still considered very sensitive topics concerning the environment and the planet in which we live.

I feel that gaining knoweledge and insight to the environment would be beneficial in the sense that it equipts me with a good,solid foundation on understanding these concepts and relationships.It is considered equally important to equipt myself with the right ammunition to attack conflicting concepts and participate actively in debates surrounding fairly taboo topics(those which one dares not approach).-Through knoweledge I hope to broaden my spectrum of thought,awareness is the definite key to changing and constructive approaches.

I end this off by note...encouraging all of those reading this to engage with me on my quest to finding answers and growing intellect on the environment.This does concern all of us and our wellbeing and that of which we love.Remember that Knoweledge is Power!take this as no understatement..

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